Paragon Paralegal




The place where your fondest memories are created and where your heart truly lies is within the walls of your home. While acknowledging the significance of one’s home.

Despite the misconception that landlords have all the power, tenants are protected by a set of rights and safeguards outlined in both the Residential Tenancies Act and their lease agreement.

As a tenant in Ontario, you have certain rights that are protected by law. These rights are designed to ensure that you are treated fairly and with respect by your landlord, and that your living situation is safe, secure, and healthy.

One of the most important rights that tenants have in Ontario is the right to a safe and healthy living environment. This means that your landlord is responsible for ensuring that your rental unit is free from hazards such as mold, pests, and lead, and that it meets certain minimum standards for health and safety.

In addition to the right to a safe and healthy living environment, tenants in Ontario also have the right to privacy. This means that your landlord cannot enter your rental unit without your permission, except in certain limited circumstances (such as in the case of an emergency).

Other important rights that tenants have in Ontario include the right to be free from discrimination, the right to receive notice before any rent increase or eviction, and the right to be compensated for any damages or losses caused by your landlord’s negligence or misconduct.

Here are some of the services Paragon Paralegal could offer tenants in Ontario:

1. Reviewing lease agreements

we can review lease agreements to ensure that they understand their rights and obligations and ensure that their interests are protected.

2. Resolving disputes

If tenants have disputes with their landlords, such as issues related to rent increases, repairs, or harassment, we can help them negotiate a resolution before pursuing legal action. We can send a letter to the landlord requesting to immediately stop engaging in a certain activity or behavior that is deemed to be infringing upon the tenant’s rights or causing harm.

3. Fighting evictions

If a landlord tries to evict a tenant, we can help tenants fight the eviction and defend their rights. We can review the eviction notice, advise tenants on their legal options, and represent them at the Landlord and Tenant Board.

4. Recovering damages

If a tenant has suffered damages as a result of a landlord's actions, such as for unpaid rent, illegal rent increases, or failure to provide maintenance, our Paralegals can help tenants recover damages and seek compensation.

In Ontario, landlords can terminate a tenancy for several reasons, including non-payment of rent, illegal activity, or a breach of the lease agreement. If a landlord wants to terminate a tenancy, they should provide the tenant with written notice at least 60 days before the termination date, unless there was a breach of the tenancy agreement. The notice must include specific information, such as the reason for termination and the date by which the tenant must vacate the property.

Notice of Termination

As a tenant, receiving a notice of termination from your landlord can be a stressful and worrying experience. The reasons for termination can vary, but some common reasons include non-payment of rent, violating the terms of the lease agreement, or the landlord needing to move back into the property. Regardless of the reason, the notice of termination should include specific information such as the date by which the tenant must vacate the property and the reason for the termination.

If you receive a notice of termination, it’s important to review it carefully and seek legal advice, when necessary. In some cases, you may be able to dispute the notice of termination if you believe it’s unjustified or unlawful. For example, if you have paid all the rent owed, and the notice is for non-payment of rent, you may be able to dispute the notice and remain in the property.

Receiving a notice of termination from your landlord can be challenging situation, but it’s crucial to approach it with care and it’s important to give the notice a thorough read by a legal representative.

If you believe your rights were violated as a tenant, we can assist you by taking the necessary steps to protect you.

Contact us today for a free consultation and learn more about your rights as a tenant, we can assist you with filing a complaint with the Landlord and Tenant Board, and provide you with possible defences against the notice of termination you received.

By hiring our firm to represent you before the LTB, we bring success by working with both landlords and tenants, enabling us to anticipate and capitalize on the weaknesses of the opposing party, ultimately positioning you for success.

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