Paragon Paralegal


Small Claims Court


Small Claims Court is a branch of the Superior Court of Justice in Ontario that is designed to provide a faster, more cost-effective means of resolving disputes between individuals or businesses. It is intended to provide a simpler and less formal process than the regular court system, with the goal of resolving disputes more quickly and efficiently.

Small Claims Court deals with civil disputes involving amounts up to $35,000. Some examples of disputes that can be brought before Small Claims Court include:

  • Breach of a contract
  • Collection of unpaid invoices
  • Collection of unpaid personal loans
  • Compensation for faulty renovation/construction work
  • Ineffective car repairs

If your claim is somewhat over $35,000, it is recommended to forego the excess amount, so you still qualify within the Small Claims Court monetary limit. This can be preferable for several reasons including:

  • Lower court fees and faster process
  • Simpler procedures
  • Reduced legal fees expenses.

While the Small Claims Court has simpler procedures, the process is still formal and can be quite challenging for a layperson to navigate.

Paragon Paralegal is committed to assisting clients with their Small Claims Court matters. Whether you need to initiate or defend a claim, we offer a free consultation to discuss your concerns and provide guidance on how we can support you. Contact us today to learn more.

Starting Small Claims lawsuit

Small Claims Defence

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